Syntra 5 has achieved landmark clinical results! Syntra 5 is a brand new medicine for diabetes that is a completely natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs that is backed by science.

Almost as soon as Syntra 5 was introduced, the success stories started flooding in. Sugar levels were falling, pounds were plummeting, and blood pressure was sinking. All thanks to a new herbal powerhouse called Syntra 5.

But the word-of-mouth wasn’t enough for the scientists behind Syntra 5. So it was put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the gold standard of scientific testing. Syntra 5 turned out to be an all-out assault on diabetes. Fasting blood sugar dropped a shocking 107 points. Triglycerides fell by an impressive 20%. LDL cholesterol tumbled by more than 34%. And total cholesterol dropped over 29%.

If that weren’t enough, participants in the Syntra 5 trial lost an average of nearly 10 pounds—without changing eating or exercise habits. And those were only the results after only 90 days.

It all adds up to one undeniable fact—no other product, pharmaceutical or natural, created to treat diabetes has been shown to be even one half as effective as Syntra-5.

Syntra 5

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Syntra 5 Review

Syntra 5 has proven itself to be a very safe and effective product for blood sugar
management. Statistical analysis of the Syntra 5 review by Melonie Montgomery, MSHN, Fenestra Research Labs Director of Research.

"Syntra 5 review of the statistical analysis of these data shows a consistent picture across treatment groups and over time. Group A’s blood glucose, triglycerides, blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL/HDL ratio, total cholesterol/HDL ratio, and even weight increasingly moved into a more positive state over time as the participants continued using the Syntra 5 product under review.

Based on these clinical comparisons, the Syntra 5 review, and the complete lack of known adverse side effects, interactions, or contra-indications from the herbal ingredients in the Syntra 5 product, we conclude that Syntra 5 was shown to be a safe and highly effective means of promoting healthy blood sugar balance naturally in the body."

Syntra 5 Review Results

-Fasting Blood Sugar – from *196 to 89
-Hemoglobin A1c – from *7.7 to 4.66
-Cholesterol – from *338 to 240
-Triglycerides – from *255 to 203
-Blood Pressure – from *171/75 to 146/70

* Results of 90 day randomized double-blind clinical study. Syntra 5 review and placebo group not on any prescription medications.

Syntra 5

USA Today has done a Syntra 5 Review also. Here is an excerpt. "Diabetes and obesity are inextricably linked medical conditions that affect Americans at epidemic levels. Obesity is in large part fueling the increase of pre-diabetes and diabetes in the United States. Excess weight exacerbates health problems, such as high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels in people with and without diabetes problems, including death.” Syntra 5 will combat all of these problems.

TIME Magazine has written a Syntra 5 review. Here is an excerpt. "It's a puzzle. Never have physicians known so much about Type 2 diabetes and how to control it, yet the number of cases is expected to rise at an alarming rate. Epidemiologists predict that by 2025 the incidence in the U.S. will double. Annual treatment costs are projected to rise, from $132 billion to $192 billion in 2020–not counting inflation."
Syntra 5 can help decrease these figures dramatically.

NBC has also done a Syntra 5 review. Here is another excerpt. "The nation's obesity epidemic is exacting a heavy toll: The rate of new diabetes cases nearly doubled in the United States in the past 10 years, the government said Thursday. Nationally, the rate of new cases climbed from about 5 per 1,000 in the mid-1990s to 9 per 1,000 in the middle of this decade. Roughly 90 percent of cases are Type 2 diabetes, the form linked to obesity.” Syntra 5 can help control all symtoms of Diabetes.

Syntra 5 is the answer to all of this. And the Syntra 5 review is backed 100% by science. Syntra 5 is the number one recommended blood sugar discovery. The Syntra 5 review is backed by real people, real science and real results.

You need to try Syntra 5 today!

Syntra 5 Review

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Syntra 5 - A Very Powerful Formula

The following article was taken from a report done by the Health Service Institue about Syntra 5. You can learn all about the Syntra 5 company and what they deem Syntra 5 so powerful.

Syntra 5

Syntra 5 - A formula So Powerful, One Company was Willing to Lay It All on the Line to Prove It!

"It’s true. Even the top-selling diabetes drugs only drop blood glucose levels by at most 36.6 points. That makes Syntra-5 three times more effective—without the side effects of those drugs.

It’s hard to believe it took a major gamble to get this powerful diabetes thrasher the attention it deserves. The story starts about 10 years ago, when Ken Hampshire, the co-founder of Syntratech, the group that developed Syntra 5, met Dr. Vern Cherewatenko, the author of The Diabetes Cure.

Dr. Cherewatenko had turned to Ken for help formulating and manufacturing a new product for type 2 diabetes. Together, they created Ultimate HCA, one of the first safe and effective solutions for type 2 diabetes.

Ken knew it was good, but he thought it could be even better. So when, three years later, Dr. Cherewatenko turned his attention to another project, Ken started scouring scientific journals.

In reviewing 20 years of research, he started seeing the same herbal extracts come up again and again—extracts that were able to lower insulin resistance in the body. Extracts that no other companies had seemed to notice.

These extracts were expertly combined to become Syntra-5. When it was introduced, the testimonials started pouring in. But for Ken, that wasn’t enough. He wanted verifiable evidence that it was working.

Now, clinical trials are expensive. Too many companies with wonderful products simply can’t afford to prove their effectiveness. So Ken commissioned a small study to see how Syntra-5 fared. Though there were only 17 participants, the results were very positive—so positive, in fact, that Ken decided to lay it all on the line.

Syntratech is a small company. So it was a big deal when the team there decided to put their entire marketing budget into a large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial conducted at an independent lab. If Syntra-5 wasn’t proven effective, they would be positively ruined.

But, as you already know—it worked. In fact, the results went beyond even their greatest expectations."

Syntra 5

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Syntra 5 - The Best Diabetes Drug on the Market Today

The following article was taken form the report done by the Health Services Institute on Syntra 5. Learn why all of the best selling diabetes drugs on the market just don't compate to Syntra 5.

Syntra 5

Syntra 5 - Top-selling Diabetes Drugs Just Can’t Touch It!

"When it comes to fasting blood glucose, a level below 100 mg/dL is considered normal or healthy and 100-125 mg/dL is considered prediabetic (and brings with it increased risk of cardiovascular disease). A count of 126 mg/dL, measured on two different days, is indicative of diabetes.

And of course, that means big health risks. Damage to the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels, heart, and nerves, as well as cognitive decline and even dementia, are all linked to diabetes.

All of the participants in the trial had chronic uncontrolled blood glucose, with fasting blood glucose counts between 160 mg/dL and 225 mg/dL.

In only 90 days, Syntra 5 brought those numbers down, on average, a whopping 107 points. Every participant taking it saw his or her fasting blood glucose drop to within the normal, healthy range.

If you’re watching your blood sugar levels, you’re also paying attention to your two-hour glucose level. This should be below 140 mg/dL. A count between 140 and 200 mg/dL indicates impaired glucose tolerance, and a level over 200 mg/dL goes hand in hand with diabetes.

Over the course of the trial, participants taking Syntra 5 experienced a 54.55% decrease in two-hour glucose levels. For participants taking the placebo, the level rose an average of just over 4%.

A third test measures the average amount of glucose in the blood over the 2-3 months prior to the test. It does this by measuring the concentration of hemoglobin A1c, or glycated hemoglobin. A 1% change in A1c reflects a change of about 30 mg/dL in average blood glucose level.

When blood was drawn from participants taking Syntra 5 at the end of the trial, A1c levels had dropped from an average concentration of 7.7% to an average of 4.66%—a highly significant 3% drop. All of the subjects in the active group had their A1c levels drop to 5% or below.

Syntra 5

Now, Syntra 5’s effect on blood glucose levels would be impressive on its own. But this herbal formula had more in store for the trial participants.

Triglycerides, a type of fat within the bloodstream, decreased an average of over 20% in participants taking Diaxtroxal. With placebo, there was an average increase of 6.6%.

Cholesterol levels were also positively affected by Syntra-5. In the active group, participants’ LDL cholesterol was lowered by over 34%, and their total cholesterol went down by 29%.

Syntra 5 demonstrated action on blood pressure as well. Over the course of the 90 days, participants taking Syntra 5 were rewarded with an average 25% drop in systolic pressure, 5% diastolic.

Then there was the weight loss. Prior to the trial, most of the participants had already been trying to control their blood sugar levels with diet and exercise. But they weren’t having much luck. The researchers conducting the trial told the participants not to make any changes in diet, exercise or water intake.

Even without making such changes, the participants in the Syntra 5 group lost an average of almost 10 pounds. They expressed no changes in hunger or appetite, and no changes in cravings for sweets.

Of course, all of these numbers are meaningful. But they become even more important when paired with how the participants felt during the course of the trial.

Only two weeks in, 25% of the people in the active group said they felt better than they had in years. After one month, half of them reported having more energy.

Of course, the overall result of the test, reported by the researchers, was that Syntra 5 is a very safe and effective product for the management of diabetes.

When the results of the study went through the peer-review process, it was noted that Syntra 5 beat the heck out of the leading diabetes drugs.

The seven leading pharmaceutical drugs for diabetes lower A1c less than 1%, and none of them are able to lower it to a level below 7%. Put simply, Syntra 5 produced more than a three-fold greater decrease in A1c than pharmaceuticals.

And when it comes to fasting blood glucose, pharmaceutical products can’t touch Syntra 5. The most fasting blood glucose drops with the top-selling diabetes drugs is 36.6 mg/dL. In the Syntra 5 trial, the average was an amazing 107 points. This great an effect was previously unheard of.2"

Syntra 5

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Syntra 5 - 20 Years’ Worth of Research

The following article was taken from the report by the Health Services Institute about Syntra 5. Please read it and see why they say that Syntra 5 is a product that is 20 years’ worth of research boiled down into one breakthrough blend.

Syntra 5

"When I talked to Ken the creator of Syntra 5, I asked him to tell me what he considered the “super stars” among the herbal extracts that make up Syntra-5. He didn’t have to think long.

Back when he was scouring 20 years’ worth of research, he saw two substances come up more than any others.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and Gymnema sylvestre extract work in a number of ways to improve glucose metabolism. While there are quite a few studies on these components, two provide a good example of their effect.

In a 2004 animal study conducted at Georgetown University, HCA was found effective and safe as a weight-loss agent. It was also shown to inhibit the enzyme that controls the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The effects were dramatic after a period of only eight weeks.3

In another study (also conducted at Georgetown) combining HCA with chromium (which is also in Syntra 5) and gymnema sylvestre extract, total cholesterol was lowered 9.5% and LDL cholesterol was lowered 19%, while HDL cholesterol went up by 22.1%. Triglyercides dropped by 20.5%.4

These two ingredients are joined by ten other active ingredients, all painstakingly researched by Ken. And what he didn’t include is almost as important.

In many popular natural products used to treat diabetes, you’ll see the same ingredients pop up over and over. Ingredients like alpha lipoic acid and CoQ-10 were not included in Syntra 5 because Ken just wasn’t seeing the evidence that they work. Rather than following the trend set by other companies, he has created a completely new formula. And the evidence speaks for itself."

Syntra 5

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Syntra 5 Testimonials

At the top of this website, we mentioned that when Syntra 5 was introduced, the testimonials started pouring in. Well, they haven’t stopped. I have seen pages and pages of them, and promised more if I needed them. I’ll share just a few taken from the report by the Health Sciences Institute.

Syntra 5

"Charles in Arizona didn’t want to take drugs to control his blood sugar, so he went in search of a natural option. An Internet search led him to Syntra 5, and he decided to take a chance. After just a couple of weeks, his energy returned and he had started losing weight.

His blood sugar had started in the high 300s, but plunged to the high 90s. He says he’s very satisfied, but jokes that “the drug companies are probably not happy with Syntra 5 because their bank accounts are smaller.”

Lynn in New Mexico wanted another option when her doctor presented her with a month’s supply of Avandia. She never even broke the seal—instead, she found Syntra 5.

Just over three months later, she had dropped 20 pounds and four inches in her waist. Her blood sugar had gone down from 182 to 111. At her last checkup, her blood pressure was 110/80. Her doctor was amazed, and told her to just keep on doing what she’d been doing.

Mike in Minnesota has also been singing the praises of Syntra 5. His blood sugar has gone from 180 to under 120 and he’s feeling a lot more energetic these days. He unexpectedly lost 10 pounds and “would highly recommend this product to anyone.”

There are more Syntra 5 testimonials on their main website. You may visit them by following this link - Syntra 5.

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