Syntra 5 has achieved landmark clinical results! Syntra 5 is a brand new medicine for diabetes that is a completely natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs that is backed by science.

Almost as soon as Syntra 5 was introduced, the success stories started flooding in. Sugar levels were falling, pounds were plummeting, and blood pressure was sinking. All thanks to a new herbal powerhouse called Syntra 5.

But the word-of-mouth wasn’t enough for the scientists behind Syntra 5. So it was put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the gold standard of scientific testing. Syntra 5 turned out to be an all-out assault on diabetes. Fasting blood sugar dropped a shocking 107 points. Triglycerides fell by an impressive 20%. LDL cholesterol tumbled by more than 34%. And total cholesterol dropped over 29%.

If that weren’t enough, participants in the Syntra 5 trial lost an average of nearly 10 pounds—without changing eating or exercise habits. And those were only the results after only 90 days.

It all adds up to one undeniable fact—no other product, pharmaceutical or natural, created to treat diabetes has been shown to be even one half as effective as Syntra-5.

Syntra 5

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Syntra 5 - 20 Years’ Worth of Research

The following article was taken from the report by the Health Services Institute about Syntra 5. Please read it and see why they say that Syntra 5 is a product that is 20 years’ worth of research boiled down into one breakthrough blend.

Syntra 5

"When I talked to Ken the creator of Syntra 5, I asked him to tell me what he considered the “super stars” among the herbal extracts that make up Syntra-5. He didn’t have to think long.

Back when he was scouring 20 years’ worth of research, he saw two substances come up more than any others.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and Gymnema sylvestre extract work in a number of ways to improve glucose metabolism. While there are quite a few studies on these components, two provide a good example of their effect.

In a 2004 animal study conducted at Georgetown University, HCA was found effective and safe as a weight-loss agent. It was also shown to inhibit the enzyme that controls the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The effects were dramatic after a period of only eight weeks.3

In another study (also conducted at Georgetown) combining HCA with chromium (which is also in Syntra 5) and gymnema sylvestre extract, total cholesterol was lowered 9.5% and LDL cholesterol was lowered 19%, while HDL cholesterol went up by 22.1%. Triglyercides dropped by 20.5%.4

These two ingredients are joined by ten other active ingredients, all painstakingly researched by Ken. And what he didn’t include is almost as important.

In many popular natural products used to treat diabetes, you’ll see the same ingredients pop up over and over. Ingredients like alpha lipoic acid and CoQ-10 were not included in Syntra 5 because Ken just wasn’t seeing the evidence that they work. Rather than following the trend set by other companies, he has created a completely new formula. And the evidence speaks for itself."

Syntra 5

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